Saturday, September 17, 2011

The day Madonna put Jacko's hand in her cleavage: Craig Brown on the most extraordinary encounters of the last century

He has a genius for mimicking the rich and famous. 

But in a fascinating departure, CRAIG BROWN’s latest book is based totally on fact. Utterly bizarre as these encounters between the rich and famous may seem, each one really did happen. In this glorious series, he picks the most revealing. 

And remember: each one actually took place — proof that sometimes, fact truly is stranger than fiction...
'What is it about her? She's not a great dancer or singer': Michael Jackson said of Madonna


The Ivy restaurant, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, March 15, 1991

Wondering who might be sufficiently glamorous to accompany her to the Academy Awards, Madonna has a brainwave.

‘How about Michael Jackson? Oh my God, what a great idea!’ she exclaims to her manager, who immediately arranges a preliminary dinner at The Ivy for the two biggest-selling stars in the world.

In the past, Jackson has been puzzled by Madonna. Though he is an astute businessman, he can’t fathom her appeal.

‘What is it about her? She’s not a great dancer or singer.’

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