Actor Salman Khan has opened a charitable dispensary at his own house. But the star, who’s shooting in Dublin, has maintained a low profile about it and has instead asked his friends in NGOs to spread the word as discreetly as possible about the arrangements made for medical consultation and treatment of 40 patients every week.
“There is a garden opposite Salman’sapartment in Bandstand at Bandra, where he has arranged for a medical camp every Tuesday. Currently, there only one doctor, who attends to the 40 patients on that day. The cost of each patient (Rs 300) is borne directly by Salman,” says a source close to the Khan family.
The expenses may not make any kind of dent in Salman’s earnings,but there’s more than just the doctor that he’s arranged. The actor also bears the cost of the follow-up treatmentif necessary.
“This is absolutely Salman’s own initiative, which he doesn’t want to share with anybody. He didn’t try to get a reputed specialist to come in for the make-shift medical camp as it would attract attention. It’s just a chair, a table and patients in need of urgent attention,” the source adds.
Salman is already bearing the costs of three patients who’ve been hospitalised, say sources.
“The doctor comes in by 11 in the morning and begins attending to the patients that’ve gathered there. There are a few personal staff from Salman’s entourage, who help out with the patients. The requirements are noted down and serious cases in need of medical attention are referred to hospitals, the cost of which is borne by Salman. Bhaidoesn’t want to talk about it because it is not like his Being Human initiative, which has now become a brand and is governed by marketing needs,” the source adds.
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