Saturday, October 1, 2011

A whole new woman: Jessie J lands in Scotland without her foot cast (and make-up and fringe)

She has such a trademark look that we rarely see Jessie J without her heavy make-up and blunt fringe - and more recently, her foot cast.

But the singer looked like a whole new woman as she landed in Glasgow today without any of the above.

The 23-year-old popstar arrived in Scotland looking fresh-faced without a scrap of her usual slap and with a bouncy pony tail rather than her usual bob.

Jessie was in great spirits as she landed, flashing photographers a big smile and the peace sign.

Her good mood is presumably a result of finally having her cast taken off, although it is unclear whether the development changes anything regarding the singer pulling out of Katy Perry's concerts.

Read More; Dailymail

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